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Svetlana Krav

Svetlana Krav

Elite Permanent Makeup Artist

Svetlana is a graduate from Tomsk State University in Russia and received her Permanent Makeup Training from the Belyaev Academy of Eyebrows and the A&G Academy in Moscow. Svetlana has been performing permanent makeup artistry for over 5 years. Svetlana’s relentless pursuit for education and training led her to New York City, where she completed her studies in Business Administration. She continues her commitment to excellence by attending the Global Permanent Makeup Congress and the World Permanent Makeup Congress annually contributing to her success as a permanent makeup artist.

Svetlana’s unique consultation process allows her to help clients discover how to give depth to the eyes and lips. Her precise pre-measurements of the perfect brows during the consultation, gives each client a complete sense of clarity with the results that can be achieved under Lana’s skilled application of permanent makeup.

Svetlana is a perfect fit under the direction of Ashley Swain Permanent Makeup Centers, as she demonstrates her many talents and upholds the standard of permanent makeup application that has been perfected by Ashley Swain for the past 25 years.

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